I have been playing this game for months and Im at level 32, the graphics are great as well as the story line but in order to advance there are many things that need to be done as you play along, in order to keep things running you have to build mines, quarries, warehouses, towns and many other things to keep up on supply and demand, this supply is used to maintain everything, not only does it take a long time to get the maximum amount, you have to use these resources to repair the buildings, trains, tracks and make upgrades as well as making parts, everything breaks down and must be rebuilt quite often using more resources that takes more time to make because you have used all the supplies from that source and you have to start from scratch which also comes at a cost of silver and or gold which is the main purchase item, if you want to advance quickly-it will cost you dearly. I liked it until now because I am going no where fast, it is no longer fun and is getting annoying because of the cost of supplies to maintain everything is just ridiculous. Also every time you start an operation the screen zooms in, very annoying.
I would like to see lower costs of recourses to maintain, build, craft and make upgrades and expansions. Ta ta for now.